MVMTLAB continues to push the boundaries of what a clinic can offer, including assessments, treatments, and training programs, with a strong emphasis on the highly adaptable and powerful nervous system. The following instructor courses are designed for practitioners and movement professionals seeking contemporary approaches that set them apart from their peers.

Neuroplasticity Gym Instructor Course:

Learn how to apply the growing science of brain networks, neuroplasticity, infant development, and stability endurance to your patients and clients. This course will help you establish a solid global stability system, ensuring they are prepared to advance to the next level of training, reduce chronic neuromuscular pain, and enhance body control.

ENTRY POINT Instructor Course:

Discover how to approach complex cases and assess how to enter and apply strategic inputs to unlock neuroprotective patterns in your patients, facilitating access to more automatic movement.

DEFRAG Instructor Course:

Learn how to challenge five athlete types with external loads while evaluating their real-time nervous system strategies. This course will help you fine-tune therapy, exercise techniques, and understand your athletes' thresholds, resulting in effective implementation of functional-maximum training.

Swing Secrets Instructor Course:

Implement our Swing Secret strategies while being introduced to our Entry Point and Neuroplasticity Gym training as they relate to golf. This course aims to enhance interoception and body control, helping golfers become more precise and resilient to injuries.

Swing Secrets Pro and S&C Course:
Learn how to incorporate our Swing Secrets into your and your clients' training regimens, maximizing the capabilities of the nervous system.